剧情片《锡人》在线观看地址http://www.dyb365.com/1/87258.html。《锡人》是由理查德·德莱福斯,丹尼·德维托,芭芭拉·赫希等主演,巴瑞·莱文森导演。青苹果影院第一时间为您更新。Tin Men is one of my favorite movies of all time. The thing that always strikes me whenever I watch this movie is that while the characters of Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DeVito are seemingly feuding non-stop throughout the movie, in reality they are actually kindred spirits. It's like they see themselves in the other but don't really like what they see. Barbara Hershey is great..我听别人说这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,它只能始终飞呀飞呀,飞累了就在风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那边一次便是它殒命的时候。 如果您喜欢理查德主演的《锡人》这部影视作品,请把它推送给好的朋友,有您的信任我们会做的最好。祝您观影愉快!