恐怖片《大鳄鱼》在线观看地址http://www.dyb365.com/1/71513.html。《大鳄鱼》是由罗伯特·福斯特等主演,刘易斯·蒂格导演。青苹果影院第一时间为您更新。A vicious alligator named Ramon, who was flushed into the city sewer as a baby, survives to become a 32-foot-long menace who devours animals and people alike. Ramon's so huge because of the steady diet of dead pets - treated with growth hormones - that he's fed on for 12 years. Now the tremendous brute is angry and looking for revenge. Only detective David Madison knows of Ramo..我的电影从来无意写实,它们是镜子,是现实的片断,几乎跟梦一样。 如果您喜欢罗伯特主演的《大鳄鱼》这部影视作品,请把它推送给好的朋友,有您的信任我们会做的最好。祝您观影愉快!